Episode 0088: Pro-Life Hypocrisy

Recorded 03 May 2022.

Join Jesse and John as they delve into the argument surrounding the concept of "don't tell me what to do with my body" and how it is excruciatingly hypocritical when the same argument lies at the heart of the pro-choice debate.


Episode 0087: An Epic Roe

Recorded 03 May 2022.

Join Jesse and John as they sort through the general mindset continuing to push an anti-abortion agenda, or perhaps a more appropriate concept of an agenda of control over women, via the "pro-life" argument..


Episode 0086: Project X

Recorded 26 April 2022.

Jesse and John take a bit of a break from the current trend of topics to talk about collaborations, side projects, and just generally fun stuff to look forward to over the rest of the year.


Episode 0085: Throw The Switch

Recorded 19 April 2022.

Join Jesse and John as they return to the normal show structure and discuss the trolley problem. You'll definitely want to grab a drink and enjoy listening in on this conversation!


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Episode 0084: Language Digressions

Recorded 12 April 2022.

Join Jesse and John for a classic conversation based on digression! Grab a drink and prepare for an exploration of communication and its effects on behavior.


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Episode 0083: Violence Is Never A Good Answer

Recorded 04 April 2022.

Jesse and John discuss the notion of violence never being an answer to a situation versus the conceptualization that violence may be an answer, but it is never a good answer. Grab a drink and enjoy!


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Episode 0082: As Discombobulated As It Gets

Recorded 29 March 2022.

Jesse and John provide a quick PSA before delving into trying to make sense of how some current events could even potentially be brought to a satisfactory closure.


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Episode 0081: Advocates of the Unborn

Recorded 22 March 2022.

Jesse and John work through a range of topics that converge into a simple truth. See if you can pick out the theme and send in your thoughts!


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Episode 0080: CRT not CRT

Recorded 15 March 2022.

Jesse and John talk about a lot of threads surrounding the seemingly consistent attack on theories, theories, and theories, and how many of the issues we discuss are directly related to the uninformed.


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Episode 0079: Racial Tensions

Recorded 08 March 2022.

Jesse and John discuss interpreting and inffluencing behaviors of others with regard to racially insensitive actions and conversations.


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Episode 0078: Putin's Kind of a Dick

Recorded 01 March 2022.

Join Jesse and John as they sit down and talk through the atrocity that is the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the remarkable resilience of the Ukrainian people in the face of such adversity.


  • Intro & Follow-Up

  • A Guitar Digression

  • Bytes


  • Ukraine is game to you?

  • Show Topic: Ukrainian Resiliency

  • Wrap-Up

  • Where to Find Us

  • Bonus

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Episode 0077: Textbook Propoganda

Recorded 22 February 2022.

Jesse and John talk about the proliferation of conspiracies and the mentality behind them. This is a classic Jesse and John conversation, so pull up a chair and listen in!


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Episode 0076: Not Even A Licensed Investigator

Recorded 15 February 2022.

Jesse and John explore some thoughts on similarities and differences between (predominantly) the Christopher Nolan film arc of Batman and the Daniel Craig portrayal of James Bond. Pour youself a Vesper and enjpy!


Episode 0075: Illegitimate Political Assault

Recorded 8 February 2022.

Jesse and John talk a bit about words in this week's show, especially surrounding the choice of words used to describe an event wherein the people selecting the words to use must not have known what those words meant.


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Episode 0074: Pseudointellectual

Recorded 01 February 2022.

Jesse and John talk a bit about Peak Design gear, follow-up on the previous episode, and end up discussing tea a lot more than expected. Oh, and there's a bit about Spotify as well. Grab a drink, sit back, and enjoy!


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Episode 0072: Let The Sky Fall

Recorded 18 January 2022.

Jesse and John discuss their favorite actor to have portrayed James Bond, what about their portrayal of the character draws us to them, and more. Grab a drink and enjoy listening to two guys have a random conversation about random things!


Episode 0069: What About Tea?

Recorded 28 December 2021.

Closing out 2021, Jesse and John discuss a couple of highlights of the past year's shows, some thoughts on where things go from this point, and the problem with men.


  • Intro & Follow-Up

  • A Meta Conversation

  • A Tangential Conversation About The Problem With Men

  • A Technical Blip

  • WTF?

  • Back To The Tangent

  • Wrap-Up

  • Where to Find Us