Today many of us celebrate the recognition of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the winners of the 2020 Presidential Election. We should absolutely celebrate today, but this race was far too close for us to feel like it was truly a victory.
This country is ridiculously divided, and not in a positive way. When people choose to accept the horrible character of a leader because some of the policies seemed to help them in the short term, although they arguably weakened us immensely for our children’s generation(s), we have a problem. When people choose to believe lies and conspiracies because it aligns with how they want reality to be instead of what is truly happening, we have a problem. When people routinely make excuses for a leader’s comments and attempt to rationalize it with “oh, what he meant was…” we have a problem.
I believe in hope. I believe in people coming together to help one another, not to denigrate or lash out at one another. I believe in the power of communication and collaboration.
Today is a good day, but it is only the beginning of a long journey we all have to embark upon to recover from the past four years of normalizing horrendous behaviors. First and foremost, we are humans. Together. Regardless of the differences of our beliefs or thoughts, we should act with that base fact at the beginning of everything we do.