May I Have A Moment?

There are a lot of things circulating around social media espousing any number of varying views, ideologies, philosophies, or general thoughts reflective of one’s personal opinion or perspective. We live in a time where opinions, out of context statements, and generally catchy statements are treated with the same gravitas as fact, all because we do not want to take the time to do a little investigation ourselves. I urge everyone to take a moment and think about that image, or copy/paste of a statement, or sharing of another’s post for a moment. Think about the intent of the post. Is it worded in a way that provokes an emotional response? Does it compare things that are actually comparable, or does it randomly pick two or more things to compare that could absolutely be unrelated?

We should all do better. We should all make an effort to call out those things that are obviously inflammatory. We should all strive to be decent human beings.

I also encourage you to listen to John and I talk about this concept on our show, the UNTITLED podcast. Start here:


Reflections In Prose


Be A Decent Human Being