Reflections In Prose


Overwhelming numbness.

An acquiescence of ideals.

It would be easy to give in to the notion that it is no longer worth pursuit. That the majority has spoken and will not be swayed by anything short of total control and eradication of the slightest opposing view.

It would be easy to fade quietly into the night. To simply cease to oppose the proliferation of indecency and bigotry. To still the voice of humanity.

It would be easy to retreat inward. Avoid confrontation and hunker down, ride the waves through whatever occurs next. Self-imposed ignorance of the ripples of choices made.

It would be easy to abandon morality. Justify the rhetoric through some fallacy of logic and rationalization. Clinging not to one’s beliefs but to the proclamations of others.

A liberation of character.

Calm surrender.


Yet ease must not be the dictator of behavior. Belief in decency demands an accountability of action.

Choose to remain a beacon. An ever present reminder that kindness and empathy remain even in darkness. That desire for better cannot be quelled.

Difficulty indeed lies ahead. That warning was made abundantly clear and was not veiled in subtlety or simile.

Yet in the face of the looming storm we must remain steadfast.

United we can survive.



May I Have A Moment?