Episode 0072: Let The Sky Fall
Recorded 18 January 2022.
Jesse and John discuss their favorite actor to have portrayed James Bond, what about their portrayal of the character draws us to them, and more. Grab a drink and enjoy listening to two guys have a random conversation about random things!
Intro & Follow-Up
Bite-Sized Bytes
Show Topic: Bond... James Bond
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Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
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Episode 0071: You Know My Name
Recorded 11 January 2022.
Join Jesse and John as they discuss their favorite theme songs from the James Bond franchise, with only a couple of tangents as the conversation goes.
Intro & Follow-Up
Show Topic: Favorite Bond Theme Song
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Episode 0070: Project Vigor
Recorded 04 January 2021
This week Jesse and John take a break and talk about John's other project, as well as a fun climbing conversation.
Intro & Follow-Up
Show Topic: Project Vigor
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Relevant Links:
John Sahawneh (project_vigor) - Instagram
Episode 0069: What About Tea?
Recorded 28 December 2021.
Closing out 2021, Jesse and John discuss a couple of highlights of the past year's shows, some thoughts on where things go from this point, and the problem with men.
Intro & Follow-Up
A Meta Conversation
A Tangential Conversation About The Problem With Men
A Technical Blip
Back To The Tangent
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Episode 0068: The Best PBJ
Recorded 14 December 2021.
Happy Holidays! This week's show is all about snadwiches, and is a good break from the deeper topics Jesse and John have discussed as of late. Enjoy!
Intro & Follow-Up
Show Topic: A Culinary Masterpiece
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Episode 0067: Love Is Thicker Than Blood
Recorded 14 December 2021.
Jesse and John discuss the differing standards we hold people to depending on our relationship to them, focusing more on what drives us to try to maintain familial bonds even when they become toxic.
Intro & Follow-Up
A Reading
Show Topic: The Ties That Bind
America's Blindness
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
The Reading:
Thoughts: Republican. Democrat. Independent. Christian. Atheist. Muslim. Jew. We use these words to identify with a philosophical view, a perspective, a belief about the world in which we reside. A way in which we make sense of the actions and events we watch unfold, believing they serve some greater purpose or framework in which the world makes sense. We fold these ideas into our identity; we become an embodiment of these principles in ways that we cannot always articulate or explain. We become labels in an effort to be understood.
An unfortunate result of accepting labels is the binary quantification such labels ascribe to our views. We become the stereotypical embodiment of the label instead of the nuanced existence of the individual. We are placed in the category of socialist, insurrectionist, American, Christian, fanatic. Take your pick.
I wholeheartedly believe in a better version of tomorrow. A day in which all people are treated with the basic dignity and respect that should be afforded any human being existing in this world. A day in which we proclaim humanity first, and ideology last. A day that seems so far out of reach that it perplexes even the most pessimistic of perspectives. A day that, at this point, seems destined to never exist.
Yet I still posit that the day will come that we awake from this recurring nightmare. That we eventually realize the only truth that can exist: that above all else we are human beings. That we all should be afforded the same basic rights of existence that the founding fathers envisioned in creating the framework from which we are afforded the luxury of questioning today’s shortcomings.
The United States of America was founded on the idea that all people, regardless of background, are created equal. We have not, unfortunately, lived up to that ideal in a variety of ways. Yet we are in an unique place where we are provided a clear and direct opportunity to make such a statement ring throughout the world, to set the example so to speak, that the formation of a society and its subsequent refinements are a core component of existence, a requisite framework for understanding and evolving the world in which we live.
I dare to dream of the day that we look upon one another with compassion and a desire for understanding. A day in which we recognize the basic existence of another human, not a label. A day of recognition. A day of peaceful coexistence.
Episode 0066: Show Me The Money
Recorded 07 December November 2021.
Jesse and John discuss the current “climate” in the United States surrounding reproductive rights, how understanding the efforts against vaccine mandates help illustrate some interesting notions about reproductive rights from a judicial system perspective, and general observations about the current state of government.
Intro & Follow-Up
Show Topic: Reproductive Rights
America's Blindness
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Relevant Links:
Episode 0065: Idiots or Idioms?
Recorded 30 November 2021.
This week Jesse and John discuss the intricacies surrounding messaging and how the national stage is dominated by extremist views and hyperbole. Oh, and there is an interesting set of observations to close out the show from a non-American.
Intro & Follow-Up
Show Topic: Phraseology
A Digression on Measurements & Generations
Back To The Topic
America's Blindness
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Episode 0064: We Have Ritten Off Justice
Recorded 23 November 2021.
Jesse and John provide some quick bits of interesting information before delving into recent issues surrounding justice and violence that create cause for concern looking forward.
Intro & Follow-Up
Micro-Topic Round-Up
Show Topic: The Criminal Justice System Is Broken
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Relevant Links:
Covid Rebound in U.S. Is as Bad as Last November’s in Some Spots - Apple News
Kyle Rittenhouse and the scary future of the American right - Apple News
Rage Against the Machine Slam Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict - Apple News
Innocence - Merriam-Webster
Justice - Merriam-Webster
Episode 0063: Anti-Intellectualism and Education
Recorded 16 November 2021.
Join Jesse and John for a discussion that winds through the concepts of education and learning in an effort to understand why anti-intellectualism is such a pervasive component of society.
Intro & Follow-Up
Show Topic: The Education Problem
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Relevant Links:
BrainyQuote - Isaac Asimov
Merriam-Webster - education
Key Differences - Difference Between Learning and Education
Episode 0062: Branded Superiority
Recorded 09 November 2021.
Jesse and John circle back to the Patriot Act after forgetting to do so last week, discuss how they demonstrated first-world privilege without realizing it at the time, and delve into the arguments surrounding the loss of rights.
Intro & Follow-Up
Surprise, A Tangent!
Follow-Up, Redux
Show Topic: The Individual Rights Argument
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Episode 0061: Warm Fuzzies
Recorded 02 November 2021.
Jesse and John discuss some late-breaking news before delving into understanding the ways in which opposition to ideas or actions are formeed and how to develop ways to respond.
Intro & Warm Fuzzies
Show Topic: Dissecting Opposition
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Episode 0060: What Is Truth?
Recorded 26 October 2021.
This week Jesse and John go back to the proverbial topic well, discussing the concepts of types of information we are exposed to, our relation to reality, and ways in which to form a framework for discussion about such abstract topics.
Show Topic: Categories of Information
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Episode 0059: M1 Unleashed
Recorded 19 October 2021.
Jesse and John talk about the next iteration of Apple Silicon that was announced at Apple's "Unleashed" Event on 18 October 2021.
Intro & Follow-Up
Show-Topic: Thoughts On Apple's Unleashed Event
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Relevant Links:
Episode 0058: Hyperspace
Recorded 12 October 2021.
Jesse and John briefly discuss an additional component of last week's show before delving into thoughts about Apple's upcoming "Unleashed" event scheduled for the 18 October 2021.
Intro & Follow-Up
Show Topic: Upcoming Apple Event, Unleashed (18 October 2021)
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Relevant Links:
Apple's Insane iPhone 13 Chipset - A15 Bionic by Rene Ritchie (YouTube)
Episode 0057: Not Sure This Train Finds A Station
Recorded 05 October 2021.
Jesse and John delve further into the psychological concept of surge capacity, otherwise often referred to as resiliency, and how Jesse managed to make significant positive changes throughout 2020-21 despite the uncertainties of the pandemic.
Intro & Follow-Up
Show Topic: Surge Capacity and Resiliency
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Relevant Links:
Warning: Surge Capacity Reached (Psychology Today)
Speaking of Psychology: The role of resilience in the face of COVID-19 (American Psychological Association)
Your ‘Surge Capacity’ Is Depleted — It’s Why You Feel Awful (Elemental)
Episode 0056: Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Recorded 28 September 2021.
This week we remember the late Steve Jobs. We do get started with an interesting bit of follow-up, though!
Intro & Follow-Up
Show Topic: Remembering Steve Jobs
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Relevant Links:
Episode 0055: A Series Of Unintelligent Events
Recorded 21 September 2021.
Jesse and John discuss a series of separate micro-topics that are all related to one another. From potential origins of the Sars-CoV-2 virus and the ironies of the experimental arguments from the unvaccinated to the state of emergency care and mortality rates in Alabama, there are some strong words repeatedly spoken in this episode.
Intro & Follow-Up
Show Topic: A Series Of Unintelligent Events
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Relevant Links:
Hacking - Does Self-Control Theory Explain Participation in the Hacking Subculture?
The COVID lab-leak hypothesis: what scientists do and don’t know (Original Nature Article)
Alabama man dies after being turned away from 43 hospitals as covid packs ICUs, family says
There Were More Deaths Than Births In Alabama Last Year, A Grim First For The State
Episode 0054: Not A Keynote For Camera Nerds
Recorded 14 September 2021.
This week Jesse and John talk about the 14 September 2021 Apple Event (California Streamin'), there's some brief talk about an interesting documentary, and a little about recent developments with the App Store.
Show Topic: Apple's 14 September 2021 Event - California Streamin'
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast
Episode 0053: A Sleeping Giant
Recorded 07 September 2021.
Jesse and John work through some follow-up before taking a break from recent topics and discussing Apple's Fitness+ service, followed by some general pre-event throughts for Apple's Streaming California event.
Show Topic: Apple's Fitness+
Show Topic: 14 Sept 2021 Apple Event - Pre-event Thoughts
Where to Find Us
Twitter: @UNTITLED_hosts
Gmail: untitled.hosts@gmail.com
Instagram: @untitled_hosts
Patreon: patreon.com/theUNTITLEDpodcast